Hello All, thanks for dropping by. This week's addition to my ever growing Battle Company (+PLUS) is a firstborn / old school / old-marine Librarian on a Space Marine Bike, a Index option soon to be Legends option only I guess, but I had it in the to-do pile for several years! Must finish Bikes before I do the Indomitus Primaris Bikes!
The base kit was a Ravenwing AOBR bike with the rider torso removed, different handlebars and shaved front fender icons - I added a 3rd Party Librarian torso and Power Stave and converted the backpack with a resin book and bit of chain.
The Ravenwing bikes are quite suitable for all my Characters and Sergeants, to make them different from the rank and file, feathers were Hawk Turquoise washed Nuln. The leather is Mournfang Brown, washed Nuln and highlighted Balor Brown.
I added Assault Markings though strictly not true, he is an HQ option, but I see it as a Vanguard Detachment, therefore fast attack options. The slate is a resin base, so Chaos Black drybrushed Eshin Grey and Dawnstone then coated with Contrast Shylish Purple and some Magos Purple, then drybrushed my usual base colours to blend in with Karak Stone and Ushabti Bone. The greys allow the purple to show over the blacks.
The Headlight was a new method I was trying and quite like! Just Ulthuan Grey base with a thin coat of FW Clear Calth Blue Airbrush Paint brushed on and allowed to rest in the recesses, a nice effect. I also did the same for his warp-manifesting eyes!

Anyway, another cool character and finally off the to-do Pile! Cheers, Siph (10pts)