Let's bring out the Heavy Metal for the finale. At present I have four vehicles, but I know that will change with the upcoming releases.

The Redemptor Dreadnought is the proper sized walking tank we have always needed. I'm not overwhelmed by the odd swing-open front clamshell, but I don't think it detracts too much from the overall coolness.

A pair of Hovering Death dealers, that can carry troops. Somebody took the "You can never have too much dakka," maxim to heart. 

Executioner Grav-Panzer. By far my favorite of the new stuff. So much shooty, and so stylish!

A fair amount of people don't care for the Repulsor, I really like it. It's the heavy IFV concept taken too far. So. Many. Guns. Plus some grenade launchers and anti-air missiles for fun, all while carrying ten Primaris into combat.

Blue-grey Thunder!   
Or Airwolfen? Hmmm...
The Stormhawk is a great looking model, and was fun to build and paint. I envision it as the Space Wolves close air support solution in the A-10, P-47, IL-2, style. A bit brutish looking, well armored, and bringing a bunch of firepower to the party.

So that is my first 129 PL of Space Wolves done. More on the way!

Fenrys Hjølda!
Never Let the Fire Go Out