Hello Dreadtober-teers!

Dreadtober is an annual event held over the month of October where hobbyists pledge to do a dreadnought-sized model from the to-do pile and get it finished, going throughout October and hopefully completing 31st Oct (Halloween/All Hallows Eve) with lots of progress shots and encouragement along the way :) Check out the Dreadtober Blog in the Sidebar >>>>>
I'm pleased to say I completed my exam at work and that freed up some hobby time for Dreadtober progress, I started with the ground up, a suitable base with slate chips and a skull from the Box o'Skulls set from GW. I then posed the legs and painted them, next I need to finish around the foot now the legs are glued to the base, some sand and PVA and then the Mournfang Brown/Karak Stone/Ushabti Bone drybrush to blend in.
Whilst the base was drying I took the time to magnetise the Grav-Flux Bombard arms as I can see in the future with my Dreadnought Drop Pod I might want to re-arm (literally) this Leviathan to have the Claw and Drill or Melta Lance if its to get up close and personal. As I can only justify one Relic Leviathan per Battle Company, this one will be attached to 4th Company so I will have to add a touch of green somewhere as well as the green 'grav' effect I have on my existing Grav weapons...

Keep going Dreadtober-teers, plenty of time to progress those brutes! I'm enjoying seeing peoples updates.

Cheers, Siph.