Hello All, thanks for dropping in. Daedalosus is an Adeptus Mechanicus Technoarcheologist, who is charged with uncovering and analyzing the technological relics of Mankind 's dark past. This has led him to scour the frontiers of Imperial territory, where he has picked through scrap worlds and ancient battle-zones in search of hidden wonders.

I bought this at a fair price online as it is only available in Blackstone Fortress stuff which I neither have the time or inclination to get into, however his stats and cost are too good not to use on the battlefield - +1 to Hit for Units near him and on a visible enemy within 24in of Daedalosus, so park him with your big hitters and you get a juicy bonus for hitting the enemy!
It's a nice sculpt, the aerials were a bit fiddly and didn't survive first contact with the carpet when dropped, but otherwise cool wargear and Eradication Pistol (Ray Gun!)
His other hand is a super-Auspex-Omniscope, the Omniscanner and in his satchel/holster must be the Archeotech Device he can use once per game to either heal friendlies or mortal wound the enemy.
The robes were Mephiston Red, washed Agrax, layered Mephiston Red, highlighted Evil Sunz Red.  The copper is Fulgurite Copper washed Agrax and highlighted with base colour. The leather Mournfang Brown, washed Nuln and highlighted Balor Brown. The one leather glove is Doombull Brown and Wazdakka Red.

A lovely little addition to the AdMech Forces, and a cheap boost unit character. So many little details to bring out and make the AdMech quite pleasant to paint - until I have to do more of my Skitarii Squads!

Cheers, Siph (10 points)