Well, it was surprisingly easy to be honest. Some shade wash and my burnt umber art acrylic on the tabard/kilt. The base was a Skavenblight Dinge drybrush, followed by Vallejo Stonewall Grey.
The fur was just shaded and then highlighted with white. Nothing fancy, just make sure it's watered so I can add it in semi-transparent areas and build up to pure white. I also added a little Vallejo Oxide Rust model wash to the base for a little variety in the colours.
Vallejo Pale Flesh for the fleshy bits [obviously], Bloodletter glaze for added pinkness with some strong [or soft, not sure] tone wash added to make it a little darker in the shadows.
Mixed in with my efforts for #DreadTober, this was a nice little distraction from all the striations.