Hot off the heels of last month's hobby challenge is a brand new one...

Dave, from Wargames Terrain Workshop, came up with this unit challenge "in respect of the unity of the gaming community." I think this is a brilliant idea, as it highlights my favorite aspect to this great community -- bringing people together. I've also noticed that I'm better about making regular time to hobby when participating in these community hobby challenges, so I'm going to try to do more of these and harness the power of positive peer pressure (lol) to reduce my unfinished miniatures backlog (aka pile of shame) 😎

My unit for this challenge will be these Drukhari Kabalite Warriors -- starting with the 5 plus a Venom transport and another Haemonculus for good measure.

I pretty much follow the standard GW recipe for Kabal of the Black Heart. My steps so far:
  • Armor plating: prime black > Incubi Darkness >> Kabalite Green >>> Sybarite Green
  • Flayed skin: Tallarn Flesh (old Citadel Foundation / Base) > Kislev Flesh >> Reikland Fleshshade
  • Metals
    • Dark/bronze: Tin Bitz > Runelord Brass >> Liberator Gold
    • Gunmetal: Leadbelcher > Nuln Oil >> Ironbreaker >>> Mithril Silver
  • Pouches: Mournfang Brown > Skrag Brown

Next up are the eyes (Averland Sunset > Yriel Yellow), hair (usually red / black) and pale eldar skin, then a few final details to finish them off. Till next time, cheers! Stay safe and be well!