Since the Dreadtober challenge ended I have not been able to focus my hobby time. I started the Lord Discordant but have not been able to finish it. It is not much left but I am stuck. Not sure why but there it is. Instead my energy has been spent in a number of other unfinished projects. One of them is Fenrir, my Reaver titan that was supposed to be a "quick build" without to much conversion and scratch building. It turned out that it really requires a lot of GS work... and one I was done that road there was no turning back. So I have slowly trudged on as the inspiration has taken me but not forced it. Currently I am working on some of the upper body panels, the chest, beck and back armor to be precise. I decided to go for the bone poking out the skin look for this titan. I is actually quite fun to do all the sculpting when I have the inspiration. Other times I just look at it and wounder why I bother...  why not paint it as is, why do I need to do all these conversions?

When my mode has not been in for work on Fenrir I have tried building some "normal" models. Since I finished my Helverings for the dreadtober challenge I decided that it might be time to start on the rest of the armigers, the War glaives. But I was not really looking forward to doing six more of the same model but with other weapons so I thought that I might try to make them look a bit different (which I think GW really could have done with this model, it does not require that many "other" parts to make it distinctly different than the Helverin). I decided to cut away some of the side fairings on the top carapace to make it slimmer. I also put the pauldrons on the arms instead of the shoulders. I also made chain glaive into a pole arm and the plasma thing in to a shield. I also added a waist spacer and some clogs to the toes to make it taller. All in all I think it looks very different from the hunching stance of the Helverins.

And as if that was not enough, one of my very old projects reared its head and demanded my attention. Many Years ago I started a project I called the Opus Magna, which is an amphibious assault carrier. The main structure is many built but I did not do my homework good enough the first way around so all the sub components (needed for painting) did not interlock properly and I had some problems with structural integrity. This meant that I need to rebuild them to some extent and add another layer of super structure to keep everything where they should be. This set back realy brought me down and it has been hanging around my hobby room since then. But suddenly I got some inspiration to start working on it again and this time it was the bridge. I am using the imperial bunker thing as the base but to make it look less like a bunker and more like a carrier tower I needed to add some viewing galleries to the sides. My initial thought was to bridge the open space/windows with vertical bars to indicate window panes but I am sort of liking that they look like balconies hanging of the central tower. I will see how I proceed with this. If I can just get the remaining two pieces below deck rebuilt I think I might actually get it done at some point.