I have somewhat mixed feeling for this model. It looks super but is a pain to build and paint. For some reason some of the parts don't come together completely and leaves large gaps in the model. This cold have been solved by fist building the model and filling any gaps with GS, but then it would have been impossible to paint. Already as it is it is very difficult do paint using dry brushing. There is just not enough space to move the brush around and that makes it hard to achieve nice shades. This combined with all the small thin fragile parts makes this the hardest GW model I have painted. Not that I do not like a challenge but here I think it when a bit over board. If the models are to be this detailed, and with such fragile parts they need to be designed to be painted in sub assemblies that are of a reasonable size to hold and work with with out breaking any of the smaller parts just by holding it. All this made me lose some steam mid way, it was just to fiddly to be enjoyable and hence ti took me some extra time to actually get around to finish it. How people are to transport it for games I don't know. Well, in the end I think it turned out ok. I could have made the banner better but I could just not get the motivation to make anything really advanced and already this simple design is not well executed.


Next up is to finish the armor plates for Fenrir, and hopefully get the last GS done on the main body so that I can start painting it. I also really should finish the legs as there really is not that much left to do. But that will be for later. I might sneak in some simple easy to assemble models from the Indomitus box just to clear my head after this model.