Scions of the Flame Warband

Scions are a Chaos cult from the Realm of Fire. They hunt magnavores and salamanders, eating their flaming hearts in ceremonies more 'orrible than a Church of England jumble sale. They worship the fire and channel flames through their living tissue. They yearn to join the forces of the Everchosen to take part in the Great Final Flaming Apocolypse that will consume the Realms. They also collect for the Aqshy Orphans Benevolent Fund.

The models are much more chunky that the Shadowstalker Set also found in the Catacombs box so they are easier to put together and will, I surmise, be more robust for gaming.

They also paint up really well.

The Brazen Lord

The Brazen Lord, on the left is the leader of the warband. The figure on the right is the Warband Champion. Naturally he has a double-handed flaming battle axe for keeping discipline in the band by judicious decapitations - as you do.

Both superb models.

Character Models

On the left is an Immolater. This is a Scion who is so pious that he has burst into eternal flames - all the better for a bit o' burnin'.

The centre figure is a Fireborn: these are the Warband warrior class.

The right hand figure is an Inferno priest, the warband's spiritual advisor. This is the only figure that I'm a bit iffy about. I'm not sure I like the staff and the flame squirting sideways out of his sword seems to me more amusing that threatening. 

Sword Fodder

Another Fireborn, on the left, propels two Scion Initiates into combat. If nothing else they might blunt their opponents weapons....with their skulls.

In conclusion, a superb set of fantasy minis. I think they have utility outside of warcry, possibly as cultists, maybe even in 40K as a Witch Fire Cult.