Hi All,

So what did Doc do after completing his Dreadtober so quick? 

Answer decided to tackle an insane amount of terrain.  

So why didn't Doc share WIP as he went?

Answer he was enjoying himself too much!


 Joking aside the video above showcases a new terrain set I have worked on for the last couple of months.  It is from a variety of manufacturers as explained in the video.  There is a mass of conversion work and new techniques in here I am very happy with the result and could write a really long post on the build and paint of this project.  I wont I will let the video and stills below do the talking.  If you want to know anything specific or feel a tutorial would be good please comment below.  Anyway pic fest time (also to note these are the same stills as at the end of the video).

Hope you like this set as much as I do thanks for looking.
