Photo by Leon Contreras on Unsplash

Well, it is time to look and see how I did on my 2020 Resolutions.  This was a particularly challenging year, and gaming was heavily disrupted, so really, the fact I accomplished any of them is something I should feel good about :).  Anyway, let's look at each of them, and see how I did.

1) Get 10 painting points

As I mentioned in my December summary, I did complete some painting!  If you could the points for each of the painted models (four Stalkers, Bane Lord Tartarus, two Machine Wraiths, Adam, and a G-Tank), I finished the year at 16 points.  This was a modest goal but given that I haven't finished a model in many years, I feel so proud that I did as well as I did, and I hope to continue with my painting energy into the new year!

2) Reduce number of unplayed games by 10

This one was a disaster.  I did manage to play a few of my unplayed games, but I bought more than I played, and my total number of unplayed games increased by a LOT.  In some ways, there was nothing I could do about this.  When March hit, I just didn't have as many opportunities to play games, and during the periods I was part of a stay-at-home order, I had my in-laws here, and had almost no free time.  Even during the period in the early part of the year, however, I just didn't have a real chance to play my own games, because my normal gaming groups tend to focus on things that my *new* games just don't get a chance in.  Just how it is, I suppose.

3) Play 30 games of Warmachine/Hordes

I ended the year having played 7 games.  Obviously, I didn't hit my goal, but I was on pace to do so until COVID shut the world down.  I wanted to try to get into Wartable, where people have been playing Warmachine online, but I just haven't managed to do it yet.  Either way, didn't accomplish this, and it's not wholly my fault.

4) Read 25 books

I finished the year at exactly 25, so success!  I read a good mix of fiction, non-fiction, long and short books.  Overall, a very good year for reading!

5) Lose 25 pounds

Well, I used the early part of the COVID lockdown to start jogging daily, and in the first two months, I was down over 10 pounds, and was feeling great.  Then... I started to go back to work, and the stress piled on, and the free time started disappearing... and I ended the year five pounds over where I started.  This is a tremendous problem, and my biggest focus for next year.

So, I managed to succeed at two resolutions out of five.  Not great, but admittedly, this is a better rate than I usually manage!  Well, on to 2021!