Since last I have finished the GS work on the legs and pelvis of Fenrir and started to block in the major color fields. The substructure gets the same yellow-green primer that I used on Varangian and the hips got the ghost green that I use for the armor. All in all a pretty standard paint scheme for my titans at this stage.

I also sculpted some hip bones protruding through the hip plating to go with the over all look that I am aiming for with this titan. The pelvis go more or less the same treatment. On the armor plating I sculpted some spine type bones breaking through withe some small "rib-like" thinks going out the sides. I am not sure how it reads but I think it looks ok. I thought about adding some heraldry to the front plate but I think that might make it to busy and that the bone color would be swallowed buy the blue and cream color of my stripes and checker fields.

Now it is on to weathering before finishing up the edges and the chaos things around the knees. Once at that stage I can glue the legs to the pelvis and finally have a standing titan. Then I might actually see it assembled for the first time. That will be interesting to see how the back mounted laser will look with the head and arms.