As you can no doubt tell, I've had something of a haitus from the blog. I've actually had something of a haitus from the hobby in general – life just doesn't seem to give time for hobby stuff (other than half an hour here or there),  and that was before a world pandemic, social lockdowns, cancelled events and the additional stresses and strains (homeschooling anyone?).

So with no time for the hobby as I knew it, I found myself gravitating to something new – a different side of the hobby – and the result has been game-changing (excuse the pun). The hobby, or at least the model side of it, will never be the same again.

I've discovered 3D resin printing.

In fact, not just printing but designing, building, kitbashing all in a digital format, and then printing out the end result. Kinda like the first time you discover Photoshop and can do loads of funky things manipulating photos, then print out the finished masterpiece. I have lockdown to thank for that (and Games Workshop's ever soaring prices).

I find myself in a position where I can print (almost) any miniature or bitz I want to, for a fraction of the price – and I can have it in my hand same day, no waiting for postage… I don't have to file down mold lines or stick it together with glue. I can quite literally have a new army, ready to paint, in a single day. And if I want to customise my plastic kits with specific bits, guess what… not a problem, and it'll cost pennies.

This opens up a whole new world to a gamer – anything is possible – and as a creative person anyway, my mind has been blown. I have so many ideas now I'm not sure where to start – the only downside being, the pile of unpainted miniatures in my cupboard just grew exponentially!

Over the coming weeks and months I'll be looking into this new side of the hobby in more detail. I'll post up a complete newbie guide to resin printing, together with mistakes I've made and lessons I've learned. I'll also be doing a few tutorials as well as showing off some of the things I've managed to achieve.

So, I wasn't exaggerating when I called this post A New Era. Come join me on this whole new adventure!