Hello strangers! It's been a while since I've posted anything, but that is mostly due to a lack of gaming. As we begin to move out of lockdown and I can get playing again, I've been doing some work on a new game. 

I picked up the Batman Miniatures game recently. I've always been a big fan of Batman, so wanted to buy the game and try something a little different. As a result of this, I'm going to need some new terrain to go with the game, as my regular 40k stuff wouldn't really suit it too well. 

I picked up a Brownstone building from TT Combat off of ebay. I wanted to paint this up in a pseudo-realistic fashion, so viewed a number of online tutorials for painting brickwork on model railways. I found this tutorial, and it was the kind of technique that I wanted. 

However, I did differ slightly from the tutorial. To do the mortar work, they used joint compound. I tried this and it didn't really work too well for me. I had issues removing it from the brickwork without all the paint coming off too. In the end, I went with standard filler, which come off much easier, though I did colour it with a little grey acrylic paint. 

I started off by painting the interiors of the walls and floors, before assembling them. The brickwork with painted with acrylic paints, applied with a sponge. Once dry, I painted some individual bricks different colours of red and brown. 

I then used filler (with a little grey paint in it) to cover the walls to simulate the grouting. The excess filler was taken off, washing with a little water, though not too much, as the paint would come off. This left a nice texture that looked like quite realistic brickwork. 

With the brickwork done, I painted the woodwork and the roof grey, highlighted with white. The pavements were also painted in a darker grey, highlighted with a lighter grey. 

Overall, I was really happy with how it turned out in the end. I plan to purchase a few more of these sets to put a board together. I think I will make my own board for the game in time, but till then, I can use my city gaming mat and just tape off a portion for the game.