Hello Overlords, thanks for dropping by. I have finally added some very needed boost to my lowly three existing Wraiths from April 2018, now with three more to bulk out the squad, I really need to do another set, maybe two so I can have 2 larger squads of these great harassing units. As I said back in 2018, I might have missed the OP boat of 7th Edn when these were all the rage, however they are still a decent melee option.
The first two - note these were a pre-existing build from someone, hence the missing 'light/sensor' above the head, but when the locator nub is painted up it doesn't really stand out that its actually missing. The one on the left has a sensor from my bits box to look like the original.
I opted for chrome carapace up top and then the rest of the segments are 'unpainted' necron metals. The existing squad had a blue carapace for the one armed with Whip Coils to stand out but now Whip Coils have been nerfed, just one in the squad suffices.
These took surprisingly ages to paint as each Wraith has about 40 red gauss energy balls/reactors to do, quite a feat each, and the metal segments are washed to add some aged greasy sheen so not to look plain undercoated!
I opted for bare Canoptek Wraiths without the ranged weapons, maybe the next squad will get ranged weapons, the Particle Caster might be worth the few points for shooting in combat, however the Transdimensional Beamer looks really overpriced now, better to conserve points and run as bare knuckle fighters, they are dedicated Melee option afterall.
Here is the six together, a headache to shift off the table I hope with a tasty invulnerable save and wraithform helping them strike from cover.

Cheers, Siph (6pts)