
Hello, welcome back!  Next month (August 2021) will be the Second Annual Inquisitional Conclave. Yes, we're doing it again! Last year's went pretty good and it looked like most of you who participated had fun doing it.  

The rules (more like guidelines really); all you have to do is get yourself an Inquisitor miniature and throughout August, paint it up and send me your progress updates. You're not just limited to an Inquisitor specifically, you can paint members of their retinue to accompany the one you might have painted last year or any Imperial Agents your Inquisitor may requisition. 

You can message me directly at neverness92@gmail.com, and send me either pics or a link to your own blog. Whatever you want to do. Of course, I'll post my own updates here as well. We will kick this off on August 1st, with the Conclave itself to happen on the first week or weekend of September; I will know more as we get there. That should be plenty of time for most of us -I hope!

This kicks off August 1st! I hope to hear from you all soon! 

*Image from Dark Heresy 2nd edition, which was probably my favorite aspect of 2nd edition...