These are the Centurion, Optio, and one of the models that I gave the cavalry mask for fun, from the EIR unit that I'm calling the Blue Unit since its the only one that is blue in color.  Below you see the backside of the models.

I'm really happy how these guys turned out.  The whites are from using a Reaper Master Series Triad over a brown base like Vallejo's Model Color English Uniform.

Love the side profile.  The Optio you see below is just simply a head from the Warlord Games Praetorian box set.

Here are some of the regular rank and file from this unit.  The full unit is up in the next posting.

I do love how the blue turned out on these.

And finally you know I must be getting close to getting these all done when I spend time on something like what follows for use as baggage train.

As always much more to follow.....