Greetings, and welcome to the 2021 Inquisitional Coclave. 

The rules are simple: you have until the end of the month to paint an Inquisitor model. Throughout this month, August 2021, paint it up and send me your progress updates. You're not just limited to an Inquisitor specifically, you can paint members of their retinue to accompany the one you might have painted last year or any Imperial Agents your Inquisitor may requisition. There are more options than one might initially expect (que)

You can message me directly at to send me either pics or a link to your own blog or a link to whatever media account that you publicly post your miniature pics. Whatever you want to do. Of course, I'll post my own updates here as well. We will kick this off now, with the updates every weekend with a Saturday target. The Conclave itself is to happen on September 4th. That should be plenty of time for most of us -I hope!

Inquisitor Draxus by Waaarghpug, conclave 2020.

There are no winners or loser, we're just here to paint the Inquistion. 

Inquisitor Greyfax by Siph_Horridus, 2020.

There are plenty of things out there if you need some inspiration. The old Role Playing game by Fantasy Flight is one example, and some of the best Black Library novels feature them as well. GW has also been muttering things about Inquisitors asking questions  like "Are these four Inquisitors Evil?" and I can't help but wonder if they're going to release more Inquisitors in plastic soon...?

We had a good turn out last year, just a few random samples appear in this post to give you an idea. I am hoping we have just as many this year if not more. Personally, I would love to see someone paint up a Throne Of Judgment!  

Inquisitor Hiser the Hisarion, Conclave 2020.

Alright, let's get to it! There are lot of aliens, traitors and daemons to burn and we need more Inquisitors to make it happen. Please spread the word on this, as I would I like to see a big and diverse selection of participants this year.  

I look forward to seeing this year's submissions! 

Oblivi'anna, Da Masta Cheef's 2020 Conclave Inquisitor.