It's paint an Inquisitor month! Hopefully some of you folks out there are fiendishly busy on figuring out who your Inquisitor is for this year's Inquisituonal Conclave or you are already making progress on your model. Remember you can send updates to me at 

So far we have only a few updates. We have Da Masta Cheef with his rather fierce looking Inquisitor Hubris McClellan (until I saw Cheef's blog post, I had been calling him Inquisitor Dom; It doesn't seem inaccurate does it?).

Power maul time!

He doesn't do the fur-lined ones. 

Floyd Lawton at 1st Legion Chronicles is set to paint up this guy that he ordered from eBay. Last year he did a very cool Inquisitor for the Conclave and I look forward to seeing what he does with this chap.

What's he going to do with that left hand?

And here is my guy, a take on old Inquisitor Jaq Draco. 
"Oh, 'es 'armless!"

Hopefully we get a few more Inquisitors to show up this year or it's going to be a more subdued event this time around.  Jaq is threatening to dispatch his Calidus Dancers for our entertainment otherwise, which could be fun actually! 

Catch you all next week!