With the completion of the second week of our August challenge, let's see what's new and what's updated: 

I'll start off by saying that I myself didn't get as far as I would like but I did make progress on Jaq. I wasn't able to hammer out a blog post but this is where he's at. 

Base coated Inquisitor Jaq Draco. 

On the Ordo Xenos side of things I did manage to finish a Deathwatch Librarian. You can read more about that here

"Shhhh, quiet in the Librarium."

Da Masta Cheef on the other hand managed to finish his Inquisitor Hubris McClellan

Celestial Lions or Lions of Harlech

Floyd Lawton over at 1st Legion Chronicles sent me an update on his Inquisitor. He hopes to have him done by month's end. 

Base coated by Floyd.

Zzzzzz sent me some pics on with some tasty write-ups for them but I have been unable to properly retrieve the photos. 
I can show you the thumbnails...

I will save the write ups until I can marry them to some pics. But there has still been some Inquisitorial activity on Devos IV that you really must go check out. 

DAM has decided to bring Inquisitor Eisenhorn to the Conclave this year. In his words: "I'm painting up the GW Gregor Eisenhorn model which otherwise would have likely continued to rot on the shelf waiting for my time.  SO thanks for running a community painting challenge for Inquisitors"

You're welcome DAM! Just try to keep Cherubael away from the chips and dip, the guy has no will power for that stuff. 

Eisenhorn! Click the link about to see his progress.

Ok, I think I got everyone's updates. Keep up the good work everyone! Remember you can send pics and links to: neverness92@gmail.com. Also, if you don't have a project you want/can do this month, but you already have a painted Inquisitor who wasn't part of last year's Conclave, just in a pic and we can include him or her this year. Why not? -The more the merrier!