This year I got the Infernal Enrapturess from my wife for my birthday. The model was somewhat delayed due to Brexit and Covid so the model did not arrive until well after the day, so my usual birthday model painting did not take place as usual, but instead I have slowly been chipping away at the model for some time. It has taken a lot more time than I thought, but not due to the complexity of the paint scheme but due to problems with the paints and the techniques I use. For some reason the base layer did not stick to the spray paint that I used on the plastic. This meant that as I tried to get nice and even blends using dry brushing I wore away the paint on the raised edges, leaving black marks all over the model. To fix this I had to go back and repaint the base coat, which then has a completely different tone to the already drybrushed areas, so I had to restart the process which then ended up with the same result. So I think I have painted the model at least three times before I got to this stage. Once I got the paint to stick more or less I had rally lost the mojo for the model so it has been sitting around my painting station, just waiting to be finished, which is really sad as I do like to paint the models I get form the wifey.

From a design perspective I think the model is excellent. It has a very dark vibe to it while still being very elegant. I am however no so sure about the face (and the faces of the other demonets), it is not as seductive looking as one would expect form Slaanesh demons, not like the old metal ones that had more triangular faces, and not as masculine as the current range. But one can not get everything, and considering that it was rumoured that Slaanesh needed to die because he/she was to sexualised ( which was harmful for children), I get that GW needed to done it down a bit. So overall I was pleasantly surprised that the dared to do this model and now that it done I am very pleased with it.