Very reminiscent of 2019 Legio Astorum photo which made it into White Dwarf magazine!
Lord TITANium Halfpenny and I are back from a great weekend of Titan gaming, playing AT28 rules (basically AT rules but 4x scale) and an immense gaming mat and scenery courtesy of Titan Owners Club UK, of which we are on the Admin Staff. I took along Legio Astorum "The Emperor's Halo" Maniple and had a blast.

Today I would like to share some photos of the Legio preparing for action.

Reaver Honorum and Warlord Dominus Victoria
Canis Praetor (centre) was  in the thick of it all weekend and survived unscathed on day two after emergency repairs from catastrophic damage on day one - reaping a tally of two Warhounds from the Mortis lines.
Canis Bellum (here on left) was unusually resistant to fire on day one, taking the firepower of a Warlord and Volcano Cannon Warbringer to no avail, surviving the batttle intact but without any confirmed kills of her own.
Warlord Dominus Victoria was unscathed all weekend, reaping a fearsome damage tally throughout the traitor forces but took 24hrs to get her aim true - a frustrating first day however a Warbringer and a Warhound kills on day two
My Astorum Forces were augmented by brother Engines from Princeps Aaron.
Reaver Honorum reaped a fine tally, firstly a Reaver and then finishing the day with a Mortis Warlord kill and several other Engines, unscathed throughout except some damage in body unit from a Questoris Knight in close combat.
Reaver Aquila Occulus had her first blooding and gained a kill marking for a Mortis Warhound, now undergoing repairs to critical locomotive leg units
It was Canis Victrix's first outing and although she is now undergoing extensive repairs from catastrophic damage on day two, she reaped two Warhounds. 
Lupus Regent provided support throughout the weekend hostilities, never knocking out a Titan however in her squadron reaped a fine tally of damage and voids

A great weekend and more pics to follow, cheers, Siph