Even smudges of the pencil for marking the chevrons and drybrush from the bronze make it look really cool and weathered. I didn't record the next step of yellow, but I felt rather disheartened that I'd lost this grunginess.
However, the end result was pretty epic. The vibrancy is off the chart and came out better than I hoped.
In all intents and purposes they're complete. The only thing missing is the matt varnish and gloss on the las coils.
But I always try and record this finished state as the Tamiya Clear Red X-27 will cover up some of the blends on the insulator coils.
Multi-laser alongside previous Heavy Stubber - a bit more contrast but still works.
The Mechanicus badge and Purity Seals were really to hide the fact I didn't have the mounting loops that go on the face of the gun shield.
Really pleased with the final result and the last TO DONE! of the Hobby Season