And here we are almost at the end. Remember, the Conclave is taking place on the weekend of the 4th so you basically have thru the 3rd of September to get those Inquisitors painted and pics sent in to me at  This past week a few of us managed to get ours done, and here they are:

Da Masta Cheef finished Inquisitor MS-DO5,

I managed to finish Inquisitor Jaq Draco.,

And here's Zzzzzz with another wave of Inquisitors and Inquisitorial personnel  

The Conclave of Dintera Minor has sent a dozen inquisitors from the three major factions to Devos IV, headed up by an Ordo Hereticus Lady Inquisitrix, Josefina Hellmwyr (she is a scion of the ruling house of Necromunda, but as a member of the most holy ordos, has nothing to do with her former relatives).  A dozen Inquisitors in support of a reconquest of an imperial world is not usual, but that's more to with the availability of resources than a matter of protocol or policy. 

A dozen inquisitors and their warbands, 'loaded for ambul' represent a considerable amount of combat power, given the number of individuals, regardless of their writ and mandate.  One individual (Inquisitor Halles Blingnor) believes that he should lead the inquisitorial deposition.  He has a close relationship with the Black Templars, so despite not have his own entourage per se, the Strike Crusier Lostwithial has arrived and the Templars and Blingnor are now an independently roving faction.

Given the number of Inquisitors she trusts, she as petitioned the local (to Dinterra Minor) Temple and been allowed a certain number of resources.  These are organised as descrete packets of Assassins; two groups of three, two groups of two, one solo operative and two individual special assets from the inner temple. 

Hopefully I got those pics marched up better with the verbiage this time. 😀

The Conclave is almost upon us! We will assemble all of this years entries into a final gallery showing. With luck we'll get a few more Inquisitors to join us by then. I know I'm looking forward to it!