I got the New Kill Team box set yesterday. I'm going to read all the rules and have a few battles before I make my verdict on this new version. Today, let's look at the fancy new Ork terrain.

What is this new stuff? Well, it is the very nice rubble and barricade frame from Speed Freeks, an Orky Oil derrick (or brewery) and two sets of the two Ork compound frames. I assembled the terrain, and it looks like this:

Not shown are the rubble and barricades. I left them on the frame to make it easier to prime/paint them.

The buildings are all very well detailed and suability Orky. You get two planks to make nice little walkways between buildings. Oddly, it doesn't tout the cool fact the terrain set can also do this:

That's right! The chunks are cut in such a way that they will snuggle up to each other, and two floating pieces that fill in the gaps. This makes the terrain much more flexible to set-up.

I will get some paint on it, and get to (New) Kill Teamin'.

An Ork Hangout At Last
And a Craft Squig Ale Brewery