And the time has arrived. 

Floyd Lawton at 1st Legion Chronicles finished painting up this guy that he ordered from eBay. Presenting Inquisitor Tharok Radron, Ordo Malleus:

Inquisitor Tharock Radron.

Da Masta Cheef on the other hand managed to finish his Inquisitor Hubris McClellan

Hubris McClellan.

Since naming the guy after someone he disliked, Cheef also decided that a 2nd Inquisitor with a unique story (and Ordos) would be fun to do. Check out MS-DO5.


And Eisenhorn himself is here this year, thanks to DAM. 

And he brought along his most notorious minion, Cherubael


I myself painted an old Rogue Trader era Inquisitor in Terminator armor, who was clearly the visual inspiration for the Inquisitor Jaq Draco on the cover of the original Inquisitor novel, as Jaq Draco


I used the opportunity to begin work on my army of the militant arm of the Ordo Xenos, my Deathwatch. The most prominent member finished this past month was the Deathwatch Librarian.  I am still working on this army, when I can, so stay tuned for more updates in September and beyond. 

Deathwatch Librarian.

Zzzzz sent in a lot of pics and showed us his collection of Inquisition agents during the weekly updates. 

There are a few more out there that I am still waiting for final pics of, so I will either edit them in or give them their own posts. 

It's a small gathering this year, but a fun one never-the-less. Thanks to everybody who participated!