It's been a crazy few weeks. August Bank Holiday followed by a rather nasty bout of illness completely derailed my hobby plans, but I'm back now and I've even got a completed army to show for it!

It's a very strange feeling, having a fully painted army. I dont actually finish army projects very often, despite painting a hell of a lot. I have a tendency to ping pong between armies and game systems, so my progress tends to be very scattershot. 

The fact that this needed to be ready for the 11th September definitely helped me stay focused though. It's not a rush job either. I'm really quite happy with the quality of painting I've achieved, despite the tight deadline and the time out from hobby i had whilst I was ill.

 My hard work was rewarded richly too, with me netting best painted at the event!

That'll do quite nicely, I'd say. It feels pretty good. I've put a lot of effort into improving my painting over the past few years, so it's great to see some kind of tangible proof of that growth.

I can't rest on my laurels though, my backlog is still looming, so I've spent Sunday finishing up these:

That's a Hasharin for my Corsairs and the first model I've gotten done from the Beast Snaggas box I bought nearly two months ago! It might seem a bit of a random pairing, but they share a recipe on the blue and they were laying in front of me on my desk, so it went from there!

That'll do for today though. I need to sit down and have a think about what I want to do next, but I'm sure I'll be back soon. Until then, happy hobbying!