Foul Chaos Cultists have set an ancient Doomsday device in the center of city hive Vanitine. Three Space Marines must save millions from certain doom!

I found this at a local Barnes & Noble bookstore as I was wandering through it. I vaguely remembered that this game was coming out, but I thought wasn't for a while yet. Happy to be wrong.

Doomsday Countdown is the third in the line of Space Marine Adventures game. Easy and fast playing co-op board games. This is the first one that has miniatures for the bad guys, the other two used counters to good effect. This is just a quick unboxing, I will do a gameplay review in a few days.

Inside the box you will find three Space Marines, seven Cultists, a few stacks of cards, some six-sided and one twenty-sided dice, markers, and the modular map pieces.

The mins are of the push fit type, and assemble very quickly. Production value is very good overall.
The cards and the map sections art work is well done.

The three Primaris Intercessors include a Sergeant, and dude with auspex, and a bolter Joe.
Hailing from the Blackstone Fortress expansion, there are seven Chaos Cultists. Four flunkies with autoguns, one with a grenade launcher, a heavy stubber gunner, and a champion with pistol and chainsword. Really nice figs. 

The plastic tray is cleverly designed to hold all the game components snugly. 

I enjoyed the first game, Labyrinth of the Necrons. I haven't picked up the second game, Rise of the Orks, yet but I will correct that soon.

Go Roll Some Dice
Purge All the Cultists While You are At It.