Well, that was unexpected, I am done with my Warglaive Dreadtober challenge. When I posted last I did not think I would make it as all the chipping, weathering and details where left to do and usually that takes me a lot of sessions to get it done. But after having two solid (rather long) sessions I manged to finish it of. It is however a bit of a speed paint job, and I realized that I could have been a bitt better with cleaning up the modifications. Once the paint goes on all the places where a little green stuff should have been becomes more visible. I also realized that the new shoulder pads that I made to close the space between the arm shoulder plates and the body needs to be a bitt better prepped. But all in all I think the "Ghost" pattern Warglaive came out nice. It is really distinct from the Hellverins.

For the conversion I have mostly used bits from other kits. The glaive is made from the original and a lamp post from one of the scenery kits. The shield on the lance arm is from the Land Radier upgrade frame. The waist extension is a light bulb, also from one of the scenery kits. The skull is from the skull kit. It is only the cookpit (which is not visible from the out side ) and shoulder guards that are scratch built, the rest is just repositioning and some carving.

 I which GW would have done the knight kits a bit more modular so that they could have released an upgrade frame that is not only the weapons and armour but also some pieces that would alter the build of the chassis. Now I will just have to do the other five so that my super heavy detachment with armigers will be done.