3422 Army Group invested Xyphonica from the east. With the KCC as the framework organisation, coordination across 3422 AG was possibly more effective and efficient than across 72 AG, where a much smaller number of Vostroyan Infantry units had been repurposed as an ersatz co-ordinating element. Where the various elements of the KCCwere able to give up suitable subunits to be retrained and suitably equipped for their liaison role, the Vostroyans would not have been able to change their mindset to match the aspiration of the Plenipotentiate for War, even if they could have been suitably re-equipped.

In the XXXXIV Corps tactical area of responsibility, 569 Div would take the northernmost sector, immediately to the south 785 Div, built around a core of Gudrun infantry and Cadian armoured unit made similar progress in the same way. South of XXXXIV Corps, VI Corps closed in on the outer suburbs and with most of their infantry fighting power supplied by militias largely from the Redemptionist and Cawdor factions. The one actual Imperial Guard infantry regiment in each of VI Corps three divisions was spread thin coordinating and supporting the militias.

On the western side of the river, 72 Army Group was similarly beginning it’s advance in to the city. The plenipotentiary for war, General Muntenfor, had dictated a slow and steady but relentless pace; the aim was to maintain a steady level of pressure around the entire circumference of the city and for everyone to move towards the centre at the same slow and steady pace. One unit being held up made only a small difference to the overall picture and as time progressed, these envelopments would be more easily overwhelmed as the frontage each unit would have to cover would diminish.

By flattering the ego of the Brothers of Lostwithial and the Sisters of Casa Bonetti of the Order of the Sacred Rose by encouraging Inquisitor Hallas Blingnor to think that it was his initative, these knots of resistance were framed as worthy adversaries for the Adepts Astartes or Sorortias. Assault by powered armoured religiously inspired warrior cults in support of the Imperial Guard are often portrayed as some sort of forlorn hope. With the Aeronautica Imperialis on call and the full weight of the Imperial Guard’s Divisions, arrayed for deliberate attack, in support, the casualties amongst the Astartes and Sororitas casualties are light and rarely fatal.

The Hrossy Yeomanry had pushed into the north western reaches of Xyphonica in emphatic style: the Chimerae mounted platoons would drive onto their objective, the squads would dismount with their autocannon and the Chimerae would move off to a distance where they and the dismounted infantry could mutually support each other. By choosing locations where they were in range of the sporadic heretic defenders, the platoons could then use their grenade launchers and autocannon, along with the multilaster, heavy bolter and pintel mounted heavy stubber of the Chimerae to suppress the defenders whilst the infantry closed with the enemy and press home their attack in the best traditions of the infantry, with lasgun and bayonet.

Each company group was assigned a pair of tanks from the armoured or engineer group for intimate fire support. Company commanders are careful to assess their targets and use the sentinel recce screen. 569 Division’s Hrossy and Hjaltland Battalions made progress through the North East of the city, with the Hjaltlanders moving down the river, the northern boundary and also on the Division’s southern boundary as well. The Hjaltlander’s light infantry platoons were supported by individual tanks from the Hellier tank regiment.

Sticking to the plan, they would only move when they had air cover; ‘Cab ranks’ of on call fighter bombers and roaming interdiction flights of medium bombers loitering for targets, coupled with the intimate tank support meant that the block by block advance went ahead as planned. Where the thin crust of resistance remained, it was bombed, rocketed and then hit with artillery before the infantry would move up to close under the covering fire of their own mortars and the direct fire support from the attached tanks.

76 Bombardment Group, well organised and supported itself, was able to provide indirect fire support almost at the whim of sub unit commanders on the ground; although this obviously meant various combat teams only being allowed to move according to the preplanned sequence, in order to ensure that there were enough resources on hand to cover the offensive operations and any defensive fire which may be required.

By measured, incremental steps, 569 Div made steady, planned progress into the city: sometimes blocks were bypassed to be assaulted by 3422 Army Group’s auxillaries; the co-opted militias and eccelesticarchal frateris when time allowed. Other areas of the city, sometimes quite large areas, were pounded to dust by air and artillery power. The northwest of the city had previously had a larger number of commercial and industrial districts, allowing just enough open space for the mechanised assault to be viable.

After two weeks, the Division was noticeably further in than any other part of either army. It was decided that the formation would go firm and pause, conducting a replenishment in place (RIP) and getting ready to be the ready threat keeping the rebels at bay whilst the rest of 3422 AG (at least) caught up.

1294 Hrossy Yeomany (a mechanised infantry battalion) lagered in the shell of an umbrella factory complex. The outer walls were intact and there was a large amount of open space, both open and covered. It seemed ideal, there was enough space for all four rifle companies and their HQ company on the one footprint. The deposition of the Division was designed to be mutually supporting with other units and subunits given the manoeuvre space to fall back if attacked. The umbrella factory was to be the strongpoint, the hardened lynchpin of any defence, by dint of its intact walls.

As the 24hour resupply operation progressed, the logistic assets who were forward would themselves reorganise in what had been the steel yard, go out to the other Division units to carry out their replenishment and then return to the umbrella factory’s steel yard to rest for a few hours before returning to the rear echelon.