After several months of my Hobby Pledges sidebar being frozen uselessly in place due to Google screwing up the edit function, I've finally found a workaround for it. The sidebar is pretty much useless to me without learning html, so the entire section has been moved to a page of its own. 

It's not ideal, as i liked having it on the main page, but at least it's live on the blog again rather than just on the notepad app of my phone!

It also makes the front page of the blog look at little neater, so i suppose thats a silver lining.

Other than that, I've been taking things quite easy hobby wise. I got somewhat distracted by the release of the new Pokemon game! I did keep my eye in though by completing a couple of Nurgle bits for a mate:

We realised that after a few years of working on bits and pieces for him on and off that he nearly had a full 1500 points fully painted, so I'm going to make a concerted effort to try and get those done for him, if not before the New Year, then at least in early January.

It's not much, but at least I'm still moving forward. I've got a few projects bubbling away which I'll probably go into more detail about in the next post. Of course, I've got my traditional end of year post to pull together as well. Plenty to keep me busy as we roll inexorably towards Christmas. Wish me luck!