After painting the dead tyranids (or, um,  parts thereof) for my Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought, I had the itch to paint a few more nids.  Maybe I just needed a break from painting black armor?

I looked at what I had here in Unicoi and found that I had a single 5 figure box of Termagants that I bought a few years ago.  If I recall correctly I was considering doing some nids for an older edition of Kill Team. But I never made it past the acquisition step.
In fact I just opened the box! 

These are the "cheap" $10 ones. Actually, I am not sure if these are even produced any longer... Anyway, they are intended to be push-fit, easy build, snap-together models. On a few of them I found the pegs to be a bit problematic so I clipped them off with sprue clippers. With just a little bit of time spent on them, I was done with their assembly. 

Assembled and ready to serve the Hivemind!

Checking the rules it would seem that I need at least five more miniatures to make this a legal unit to play with. I immediately was on the look out for more but after fruitless online searches attempting to get another "cheap" set, I settled on the Termagant Brood set from my local Hobbytown U.S.A. 

How many box variations has this set had?

These are a way more interesting kit to put together in that there are gun options and you can swivel their heads. Exciting dynamics for sure. Also there are some biomorph options, however the kit doesn't explain what these are supposed to be. And neither does the box. I don't have the current Tyranid Codex so that's not a resource I have on hand either.

What are these specific biomorphs? 

It's a mystery to me. Perhaps when I find a few moments between dealing with the new baby, handling my 6 year old online schooler, working and drawing, maybe, just maybe, I can locate a spare moment to research the older Codex Tyranid editions (i suspect the answer I seek might be in the 4th edition Codex or a supporting White Dwarf article from around that time). Unless some kind reader could help a guy out and reply in the comments? 

Anyway, here is the full squad of 10 Termagants with Fleshborers. I need to flock their bases and prime them, and then I can start working out their color scheme. They're different enough from the 2nd edition miniature that I used on the Deathwatch Venerable Dreadnought that I may have to rethink how I pull that off. Regardless I want them to be close to how my old school Genestealers are schemed. Stay tuned for that post!