Hello one and all!

Thank you for stopping by! 

I am still here, and indeed will be planning more posts. I've gone through a little of a hobby-hobble, but now back and ready to get building and painting! Last year was a poor show on my part - Sorry Siph! 

Recently I started rebuilding the models that were damaged either by the house move, or when one of my bookcases collapsed - hence the hobby-hobble. I've rebuilt 3 of 4 Cerastus Knights, with the 4th ready to finish - I am just needing to rewire the LEDs. 

Daemons have had all parts broken repaired, or converted back to standard. This included my chaos spawn squid - from the LotR model, this was a pain as the tentacles were all snapped away from the model, with the pins snapped.. 

I still have 3 drop pods to redo, however I have taken the time to repaint some of the details missed previously. 

I am working on Deathwatch Primaris Aggressors at the moment, and hope to have these 6 finished soon, then onto the remaining 15 or so Primaris before I take on the first-born Marines that are sat waiting to be painted! 

My hobby goals for the year are to:

  1. Complete majority of my Deathwatch force
  2.  Start and complete my AT force (still in boxes)
  3. Terrain 
  4. Knights (this has been an annual pledge for some time now)
  5. Another Titan prior to end of year (not yet bought) 

Thanks All! LH