My goal to stay focused on existing projects going in 2022 seems to be paying off. I managed to get a Deff Dread done for my Orks in the last couple of days:

Considering that it's been sat on my to do pile since the summer with just the basecoats down, it's rather nice to see it in all it's finished glory!

It's also been fully magnetised so weapons can be swapped freely, although I'm rather favouring the triple Klaw/Skorcha combo atm.

The ultimate goal is to magnetise up all the options and have then be interchangable between all my Dreads and Killer Kans. I'm too lazy to paint them all up in one go though, so I figure they can wait until the Kans are ready to be done! 

I even managed to get some games in over my week off, as well as attending a local Middle Earth event. I'd love to say that my new Dread has been pulling his weight, but he's developed a rather unfortunate habit of copping Melta shots to the face! 

 It's been pretty good to get out gaming though, now things are calming down a bit after Christmas. It's certainly helping to keep my motivation up too!

I'm back at work from tonight, but hopefully that won't put too much of a damper on my progress. We'll see though. Until next time, stay safe and happy hobbying!