The second box of miniatures I got for Christmas from my wife was a squad of Pteraxii. I really love the look of these. The wings look really realistic and could probably work with strong enough jet engines. The wings are however quite large and are quite complex (7 pieces), almost as much as the rest of the model. Due to this I decided to only do three in parallel instead of the full five man squad, and it turned out to be a good decision as it was on the limit of what I can dry brush in one go with out clogging the brush. I will try to do the last two as soon as possible to finish of the squad.

I think these models look really good. The design of the wings/jet pack is really nice and could works as stand alone drones. In the beginning I was a bit unsure of how to paint them, should I do the silver and read of my main host of Mechanicum or should I go for the green of the Northern Ghosts as the Legio cybernetica?, in the end I went for a brown and green scheme, similar to my Rangers and Sicarian infiltrators. All metal parts where done in "Ghost green" and the soft material in brown / leather. The membranes of the wings  got a slightly different tone to break it up a bit. The models are also not built exactly to code as I thought the assault rifles look really good but I also like the idea with the spur claws so I mixed it up a bit. Barrels and jet exhausts got heat staining while all head lenses were done in read. I guess the one could have gone for different colours for the main eye lenses and the side sensors, but I think the cluster of similar "eyes" look really good.