This is a model I have been sitting on for some time. I got it from my wife together with the Custodian Wardens, but decided to wait with painting it until a special occasion. Well I do not know if it was a special occasion but I needed to immerse myself in a straight forward model for a day or to to keep my mind in check. I decided to do him in the same colour scheme as the rest of my Custodes, i.e. a white metal base and gold plate with crimson robes. For some reason I do not know, the robe turned out very glossy compared to how it usually works. Hence it is difficult to see the shades and highlights in the pictures. Apart form this I am really happy with how it turned out. To give him some extra height and some more detail I made a custom base with a broken concrete slab and some skulls.


All in all it was a very nice model to paint and it was easy to beak it down into manageable subassemblies for painting, that was easy to assemble afterwards without chipping the paint. 

Now I just need to get my hands on some Allarus Custodians.