Last week I was traveling with work so I have not had much time to paint, but I managed a quick one during my recovery time after I returned home. This model has been hanging around the to do shelf, built and base sprayed, for quite some time. It is built from some leftover parts from my skitarii and necron builds. Not the most advanced conversion but he has a bit of flare with the robe flapping, gun in hand and sword out. As the model is just a single model, not being part of some other squad, I did not feel a pressing need to paint it before. But now it came in handy as I needed something that was easy and quick to paint.

The idea behind the whole ting is that he is the captain of the personal body guard of my forge lord and will be protecting him and his henchmen once I get around to build and paint them. I actually have quite a few models for this little team. Apart from him I have a 10 man squad of Secutarii Hopilites, two Domitar Ferrum Class battle automata and a standard Domitar battle automata.  I will also be using all the on foot models I have from the titan and knight kits to fill out the retinue with liaison officers from the different weapon branches of the Northern Forge. With some luck I will eventually get them all done, but this is a start.