Hello all!

Another week, another completed model - this time, my Deathwatch Watch Master. 

I did a slight conversion on the model with an arm swap with Inquisitor Corteaz' left arm, to include the double headed eagle - based on the eagle on the banner for Talasa Prime banner shown in the codex. I was able to add parts of the original left arm so that the Watch Master is armed with the clavis.
The armour and trim has been painted as per the rest of my Deathwatch - however I opted to have a deep green effect for the guardian spear instead of the blue I've used on other power weapons, just so that the model stands out more. The green effect was done with several layers of green highlighted up to white,  then washed with a camo green and the tesseract glow, then white highlight reapplied. The model has a white/blue cheques on his right pauldron to denote links to the NovaMarines. 

 I spent some time on the head to get the right skin tone, and then the same with the beard, with several layers of grey up to pure white. His cape I kept simple, with a red outer, highlighed up, and a deep purple inner. The 'I's' were picked out in White to contrast against the deep red. 

The base selected is also slightly higher so that the model isn't lost in a group of Primaris Marines.. can't have the main man missing! 

The model faces - his head, the skull and the left eagle head are all looking in the same direction -with the right eagle head looking into the Watch Masters face - I feel this adds character to the final results. 

Thanks for stopping by! LH (10pts)