This weekend was the Greetings from the Warp event concentrating on Heresy Gaming and some Adeptus Titanicus, however Titan Owners Club UK was also invited to attend and put on a slightly larger game of Adeptus Titanicus at 28mm scale (AT28mm). We loved to oblige. The Greetings From the Warp event looked well run, had beer, BBQ and battling, so great job to the organisers and the standard of Heresy Armies was superb, some great forces. Anyway, I was there to game with Ttans so I took a small force of Warlord Dominus Victoria, and Reaver's Honorum and Aquila Oculus. Lord TITANium Halfpenny also came along with his Crucius Legio Engines, being targeted by the traitor Warbringer (Above)
It was only a one day event for us, a chance for TOC UK Members to throw some dice and have a pie-plate sized blast! In all we had 68 Forge World Titans and a splattering of Knights on the field of battle.
The centre of the battle saw the Traitor forces pushing out from a captured city, and into the guns of the Loyalist Engines, one double fisted Warlord closed the enemy but was brought low before getting to use the fists.
Astorum Engines belonging to Princeps Aaron forge ahead to seek revenge for their fallen Reaver kin
The Traitor right flank was where my now fallen Astorum Engines would anchor - or was it a feint? (We swap around allegiances to balance the points)
For my efforts, the opposing Princeps Engine Phil punished me, his Warlord stripped all of Honorum's shields with the Apocalypse Missile Launchers and then laid the Reaver low with successive hits to Honorum's legs, scoring four critical damage rolls with two mighty blasts from the Bellicosa Lasers and Mori-Quake Cannons. ENGINE KILL!
The Loyalist Centre facing us
My comrades were Princeps Laura, Richard and Lauren. Princeps Lauren of Vulcanum scored a brace of ENGINE KILLS, taking a Warlord, Reaver and Warhound of Ignatum, alas they were the only Loyalist kills on our right flank area of the battle.
Princeps Engine Phil and John's Metalica and Ignatum Engines I faced, a really beautiful force to face and a resilient one, Princep's John's Dakka Warlord (2x Macro Gatling, 2x Battle Titan Gatling Blaster) just wouldn't die to my guns despite heavy Body and Head damage.... 
Engine Phil's and John B's Engines, my opponents for the day
Lord TITANium Halfpenny walking away and Princeps Aaron my fellow Astorum buddy

Princeps Lee with Titan Terminals along with Princeps Sim, John H and Princeps Seniores Martin
Great terrain made by Princeps Maximus Drake Seta.
My favourite photo of the day, Princeps Luke's double claw Warlord striding through the breach - shame he died to Loyalist guns before he got to wreck face...
My favourite Engine of the day, the sheer brutality of a "DakkaLord", Princeps John B's Warlord.
Dominus Victoria and Honorum
A brilliant day battling our big Titans, thank-you to Titan Owners Club UK Admin Team (myself included, lol) and to the team at Greetings From The Warp for inviting us along. And it was great to see the other Titan Owners, what a great bunch and I look forward to the next Titan Walk!

Cheers, Siph.