Hello all, thanks for dropping in. Hot on the heels of last week's Allarus Terminator Shield Captain, another model the boxset allows is a Vexilus Praetor in Allarus Armour. 
Armed with the same Balistus Grenade Launcher, he lacks the punch of a Castellan Axe or Guardian Spear but does have a Misericordia for close combat, which isn't bad at five attacks, strength 5 with -2AP, one damage. 
The Duncan Rhodes tutorial for Custodian Warden was followed and I love the folds of the cloak. The model can be equipped with the Vexilla, either a Vexilla Defensor (Light Cover Aura); Vexilla Imperius (+1 Attack aura) or a Vexilla Magnifica (Dense Cover Aura), but only one of each type can be in an army - my other two Vexilla will be made from Warden Custodian kits.
The rear really shows off the folds of the cloak and the Misericordia.

Another box of these now has to be bought so I can use the final member into a squad of 4 Allarus Terminators, although you can actually field them as a squad of one model!

Cheers, Siph (10pts Character)