Hello Titanseers, back for another in-progress Rites of Colour for this Lucius Warhound Titan, formally Legio Gryphonicus now being sanctified for battle for Legio Astorum. I've made some good progress with the legs after some reconstruction surgery on the angle and toes, reinforced with pins and now based and painted.
The armour plates have now been fitted and the feet JB Welded and screwed to the base from underneath, the areas around the toes tidied up with base colours and the Warhound is now completely stable and firm.
The banner was supplied by my good friend Drake Seta at Battle Bunnies, formally for my previous Warhounds, so I painted out the name and added this Warhound's proud name, LUPUS EXCELSIOR. This is my fifth Warhound but my first Lucius - as Legio Astorum hails from Lucius Forge World it is only right and fair I have one of these relic Engines in my force.
Here is a close up of the flame stencil work, looks great old-school on this old-school 'Hound. The knee armour denote the Forge World of this Engine's birth and allegiance.
The right knee display's the Engine Certificate number, No.745.
Some more great progress with this Engine build, as you can see I've opted for something different than the present Maniple stripe markings and gone for black and white chequered plates instead. I will aim for my newest Engines to have this as a distinguishing mark, they still fit in with the stripes of the others by all the blue and gold armour however a little different from the others.

Cheers, Princeps Siph