When I finished this 3 man squad back in 2017*, I knew that one day I would probably need to expand these guys.  These were the three man snapfit kit that GW sold during 8th edition, which they pulled when 9th came out (were they too "cheap"?). When this kit was pulled the three man option went away as well. I have a squad of these guys for my Space Wolves as well, and both units need to be brought up to a five man legal minimal size limit.  I picked up a sprue of five on eBay to allow me to finish both squads (with one left over).

First up is the Ultramarines for no other reason I guess than that I'm in a blue mood.  I want to model at least one guy with a grapnel launcher and give the entire unit grav-chutes. I chose the arm option that is holding up the grapnel for the Ultramarines.

Grapnel at the ready.

And standard guy charging with a knife. Maybe this one would've be better suited as a Space Wolf but...what the heck, he'll cool regardless of chapter. 

Charging with a knife guy.

And I am serious about those grav chutes. Here they are on the two new guy's backpacks. They're a tad tricky to attach and I am not looking forward to the fight I foresee having putting them on the older miniatures.

Grav chutes 

Over the past few weeks I dabbled on these guys when I had a little free time. I used the method as shown in the Ultramarine Color Test post a few years ago. 

Amd they are almost done! 

A few more highlights on some of the non-blue areas, the eyes, some clean up and decals and they'll be done and ready to join their brothers. 

I find the grapnels, for what they are and do, to be really large. They're about as large as a grot! With the power that launcher must have behind it I am surprised it can't be alternatively used as a harpoon gun! 

*This post could be cited as an example of "threadomancy" on some of the groups I used to frequent.