One of my favorite pages from this story. I like the pacing of it and drawing the Warp Spiders in action was a total joy. I think these Aspect Warriors were the most over powered unit in all of Warhammer 40,000 2nd edition. If I wanted to just end this story, they could've attacked the bridge and, well, story over! But instead they were sent to retrieve the mcguffin-crate. 

I don't think I have ever seen Warp Spiders show up in any 40k fiction (not that I am claiming encyclopedic knowledge on the matter) but it's neat to try to picture just how they perform in a fight. The clouds of monofilament wire that dices anything exposed to it is such a brutal concept. I lost count of how many orks I lost to these guys in 2nd edition. They were indeed over powered, but the nerfing they received in 3rd, and subsequent editions, was overly harsh; and I don't believe I have encountered them since. 

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