Here is page 11. Not sure why I went with such big panels on this page, but I am glad I did as I got to draw that archaic astropath in all of his glory. That helm is a bit of a cerebro tribute. The first X-men comics I read were right around the time of the Mutant Massacre and recall the beautifully drawn Alan Davis art from the issue where Sabortooth attacks Psylocke while she was using Cerebro. So I thought it would be fun to make the Astropath's transmission unit look like that a bit. 

I like the Captain's face in panel 1 but panel 2...for some reason I totally changed Shankra's look. If memory serves me right, I think The Fifth Element movie had come out around this time and his look was sort of (vaguely) inspired a bit by Gary Oldman's character. Also behind him is another of those Breacher troopers that I have running all over the ship. Curiously, GW released a preview last week of their new Breacher models for Kill Team that are based off of the same Jes Goodwin Battleflert Gothic sketches that I was inspired by when I drew these guys back in the '90s. Fun stuff huh?

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