How much fun can you have in one afternoon when the delivery you've been waiting yonks for finally arrives?
The answer is, quite a bit as the next three posts will show especially when you consider this is just the first of five boxes.
Initially, I've created two sections of seven Bulldogs with pith helmets. I'm playing the long game here and not going for full 10 strong squads as I'm waiting for the inevitable follow up Command/ Heavy box as per the Les Grognards releases.
Cup o' tea Guv'nor? Right, that's that bit used once and never again.
Ten of the models from the first box have been kitted out as Royal Marines in Space. Some of the Bulldogs are Paras from Arnhem hence the inclusion of berets in the kit. These have been kitbashed with the SMG type weapon included in the Death Fields accessory sprue.
The respirator pith helmet heads have been used on the crew models for my troop transport Ridgehauler.