Hello All, thanks for dropping by. A random departure from what I was intending to paint, but oh well, paint when you want and enjoy it I say. Got an eBay rescue squad of Heavy Weapons in a similar scheme, even had same squad number as my original Brood Brothers Squad, however wrong shoulder and wrong shade of red armour - so repaint initiated!
As can be seen in the photo, I kept the fatigues, everything else was repainted and I even drilled the Lascannon barrel and added some basing material where it was thinning.
The camouflage fatigues were the only thing to stay, I repainted the armour and metals and base and everything really - but it was a good price for three Lascannon Teams and some Mortar Teams too.
Added a Cult Knife to the Brood Brother to make less Imperial Guard and more tainted. The shoulder flashes were given a new squad/company number from my foot troops and the other shoulder a cult insignia where there should be an Aquila.
A nice little addition to the insidious Cult, two more bases to go.
Whilst I was at it I looked in the Codex and saw that the Brood Brothers as well as a Heavy Weapons Team attached could have 2 special weapons, and my Original Squad only had a single Flamer, so I wrenched off this chaps arms and added a Flamer from my Bitz...
The scheme was easy to replicate
Sometimes you just have to paint what you want... not the to-do pile scheduled Custodes...

Cheers, Siph