The freshly painted, New & Improved Avatar of Kaela Mensha Khaine took to the field for the first time against the Orks in a 100PR slugfest. Both sides brought one Lord of War to the party, the Orks went big on mega-armored bosses and nobz, while Mrs. Blackheart's Space Elves had a mix of Aspect Warriors, Vypers, and Guardian Defenders. 

The Pointy Ear Devils went first, and the swift Eldar made it to 3 out of 4 objectives.
Her Wraithknight smoked the Battlewagon that all the Mega-armored folk were riding in. That's a long walk to the enemy for Orks with a 4" movement. The rest of the Aeldari shot up a fair amount of Boyz.

On my turn almost everybody Advanced, and had some decent rolls, but I didn't gain control of any objectives. My shooting phase had one highlight: The Morkanaut did significant damage to the hated Wraithknight.  At the end of the turn I was down 0-3. 

The Wraithknight's revenge was not long in coming. With the help of the Farseer, it dealt a stunning 34 points of damage to the Morkanaut. Nothing like some good overkill. Fancy(flaming no)pants Avatar killed off a Deff Dread, and charged and super-overkilled a second one. 
Vypers and Striking Scorpions wiped out the rest of my Left Flank. Yeah, not going to plan.

Realizing this battle was lost, I declared the Waaaaagh! My mob of Mega-Armored fools ran a whopping 10" to get within charge range of the Wraithknight.
Tuska, my last Deff Dread unleashed his two rocket launchers at the Wraithknight, and guided by the Hand of Gork did 12 points of damage, destroying it! 
Which then promptly exploded and killed two meganobz, the Big mech, and badly injured the Boss. Such is the fickle nature of the gods.

The next turn was just the cheesy Eldar jerks mopping up what was left of my army. Final Score 1-9.

A fun if bloody and short battle! The new Aeldari are quite the force to be dealt with. Stay the hell out of close combat with the Avatar. Kill the Farseer. If only I had an army that valued shooting over everything else...

Go Roll Some Dice

Damned Smug Space Elves