This series continues onward*, but now we are focusing on the Khornate Dancers, A.K.A. the 3rd edition era (and still, as of now, current) Khorne Berserkers. The fact that GW has recently announced a Worldeaters Codex has spurred me on to trying to finish these guys. I guarantee when I see the new sculpts I will likely lose interest in finishing these murder bunnys.** 

Sometime in the past four years I finished their bases and worked on their basecoats and midcoats. This happened before I changed out cutting mats on my workbench, so quite some time ago indeed. This was a sloppy stage and I had minimal desire to blog about it. 

Bases and basecoats. 

So I broke these guys out and started tightening up the red on their armor.

The assembly line for the Blood God.

Some of these backpacks do not fit well on the models so I had to cut and file them to get them to do so. It's a weird mistake to see in a GW kit, especially one that had stayed in production as long as this one has. 

Misfit backpacks.

I decided to jam a few of these out and focused on three models at a time instead of all twelve at once. Here are the results so far:

They're a chunky trio, but I think they turned out alright. That 2nd edition-era scheme works well on them. 

I will put the extra bitz like the execution swords, holsters and grenades on them after I finish the whole squad. 

And of course, the decals will be the old 2nd edition styles ones also. But that will probably be the last thing I do to these guys. 

That's three down, nine to go...

*What? It's only been 4 years since the last part in this series! 

** And since I have written this, yeah, I saw them. And so far I have resisted!