Afternoon #WarHamFam and #WarhammerCommunity I've been #PaintingWarhammer Death Guard Kill Team. Technically my #NewYearNewArmy for #ArmiesOnParade. Oh man time is short, AoP is round the corner, just 23 days days from today [although these pics are from a week or so back]. I've the Plague Marines, the Pox Walkers and the Foetid Bloat Drone to do for #DreadTober and trying to fit everything in and finding the time to write and publish blog posts about them is really challenging.

And that's not even mentioning the Ravenwing! So I got on with these Plague Marines, slapping on my Vallejo Game Effects Dry Rust, with some watered down Game Extra Opaque Heavy Red anywhere I thought was fleshy or sore.

The last tranche of Death Guard was 4 marines and here I am adding the Tallyman to the mix.

And a Lord of Contagion. I don't know whether this may end up too overwhelming. On top of that I am actually throwing some paint on the Pox Walkers simultaneously, although less judicious about the photo record for them [sorry].

With the base colours on it's time for my Colvin & Co 'Burnt Umber Artists' Acrylic'. Smooshed on and used as a wash in places it gives the best grimy effect.

I'll be adding more washes - red, sepia, purple, green, strong tone etc. Anything to add more tints, colours, splotches and filth.

I want the idea that these guys just live in filth. Their plague vessel just dripping with slime, gunk, and decaying muck with not a clean spot on board.

Then, trudging through this black tar field, they get even filthier. I must admit the Lord of Contagion has much more rust on him than I had been aware of. Add to that I have no idea if I can replicate the filthy purple cloak from my last tranche of marines and he's somewhat daunting.

Right, must crack on.