I'm impressed. Not only did Games Workshop quickly address issues with the new Leagues of Squats Codex, they copped to not getting it right. 

I have not yet picked up the new Codex (I will) or any of the models (still on the fence) but I have heard the chatter over the Space Dwarfs being somewhat O.P.. This often happens. Then a tournament or three outright banned the new fellas. That was different.

You may or may not think the tourney scene is full of hyper-competitive WAACers who are prone to fits of drama when something upsets their finely balanced plans. I had a few really bad experiences in row before giving it up. It turns out the tourney folk were right about a new army being overpowered. Broken clock being right twice a day and all. 

GW gets a lot of hate, always have. Clearly this is a vocal minority or GW would no longer be in business. I have a few issues with the current state of 40K which I shall talk about soon. But I do feel that GW does care about it's customer base. It is engaged with the player base far more now, and sometimes even takes action on the criticisms. For a huge publicly traded corporation I think GW is doing well with its interaction with a...let's be nice and say, very passionate fan/user base.

At the end of the day most of us are just playing with toy soldiers for fun, and don't have our entire self-worth wrapped up in the outcome of a game that is decided by random dice throws. Which hate me.

Relax, Throw Some Dice

Errata Means Somebody is Paying Attention